Monday, December 13, 2010

Cloud 9.

Whether to cry or laugh or smile
or throw my arms up in joy...I have
no idea of which one to do & trust me
if I could do all of it at the same time
I would!

There's this saying that says "Patience
is virtue" & let me tell you my friends
that it is absolutely true. Everything
comes at it's divine right time. The
more patient you are the better. I
have so many things to be thankful for
recently that it's amazing...& I can't
help but thank GOD for all of them.
It's been a hard long road this past year
but better things are yet to come, wonderful
things. & I'm glad I've been patient enough
to be able to welcome all of these blessings
with arms and mind wide open.

Finals week has commenced for me! & if anyone
out there reading my blog is in college and
has finals: BEST OF LUCK! Hugs and reindeer
kisses! XOXOXO.

xSigned___JNF. ♥

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